Erasmus+ Internship vacancies in Slovakia

New Erasmus+ Traineeship vacancies in Slovakia: July - August 2018

Placement Slovakia is an internship programme managed by WorkSpace Europe, aimed for individual higher education students and graduates from across the EU interested in doing an Erasmus+ traineeship in Slovakia. We do organize these traineeships in all fields of study for five or more months

Why apply for our programme? 5 main reasons to support this decision:

  • No Fees. Our assistance and support is completely free of charge. Plus, we support students during the whole internship period. 
  • Free accommodation. Students who come to Slovakia to pursue the internship in the company, are provided with the free accommodation. They do not have to search for the room by themselves, we do it for them. 
  • Successful Companies. Your students will get a high-quality work experience recognized in an international context. 
  • English as a working language. English is important nowadays. We know it. As well as our cooperating companies. 
  • Good idea Slovakia. Slovak economy and work opportunities grow fast. The life expenses not that much. 

More info PDF


Admission hours

Department of International Relations & European Union

The admission in our Office for students, Professors and administrative staff will be

ONLY by appointment via e-mail: 

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136 Syngrou Av., Athens 176 71 Greece

Groundfloor of the New Building
of Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences