Intern vacancy for summer 2019 at Morningside Monterssori Elementary School, Cyprus


The internship is suitable for students or graduates of education studies/ social sciences/humanities and/or languages

Αναλυτικές Πληροφορίες για την θέση Πρακτικής Άσκησης (PDF)

“Our priority at Morningside is each child’s true self: it is the inner-gem we must nurture, understand and respect.”

Find Morningside Montessori Elementary in the beautiful island of Cyprus on Facebook!

Admission hours

Department of International Relations & European Union

The admission in our Office for students, Professors and administrative staff will be

ONLY by appointment via e-mail: 

Η εξυπηρέτηση Φοιτητών/Φοιτητριών, Μελών ΔΕΠ και Διοικητικού Προσωπικού

MONO κατόπιν ραντεβού στα e-mail: 

Find us!

136 Syngrou Av., Athens 176 71 Greece

Groundfloor of the New Building
of Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences