
12/1/2023:"Ψυχολογία και Τέχνη" Ομιλία του Dr. Bernhard Lauer (Brueder Grimm Gesellschaft)

12/1/2023:"Ψυχολογία και Τέχνη" Ομιλία του Dr. Bernhard Lauer (Brueder Grimm Gesellschaft)

Διαβάστε στα γερμανικά το τεύχος, το οποίο εκδόθηκε μετά την επίσκεψη του Dr. Bernhard Lauer στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο και στην Αθήνα:

Grimms Märchen in Griechenland, Von Bernhard Lauer (αρχείο PDF)

Grimms Maerchen in Griechenland 

Την Πέμπτη, 12 Ιανουαρίου 2023 και ώρα 18:00, στην Αίθουσα Β3(Β' όροφος Νέου Κτιρίου) θα πραγματοποιηθεί ομιλία δια ζώσης του Dr. Bernhard Lauer στην αγγλική γλώσσα, με θέμα:

The “Children’s and Household Tales” by the Brothers Grimm, their sources, their worldwide impact and their psychological function and political effect

Συντονισμός: Δρ. Δέσποινα Μωραΐτου, στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Erasmus+ και του μαθήματος του Τμήματος Ψυχολογίας του Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου: "Ψυχολογία και Τέχνη".

Την Παρασκευή 11-2 μ.μ. στην αίθουσα Α3 έχει προγραμματιστεί έκθεση υλικού για τα παραμύθια των αδελφών Γκριμ.

Παράλληλα στις 12 θα πραγματοποιηθεί και διάλεξη στα αγγλικά με θέμα Ukrainian fairy tales and legends.

Abstract: The “Children’s and Household Tales” by the Brothers Grimm (first published: Berlin 1812-15) are the most widely distributed book of German and European cultural history after the Luther-Bible. Translations can be shown in more than 190 languages of the world. In 2005, the Grimm’s collection was registered by the international UNESCO commission as a “world documentary heritage”. Using the example of the well-known fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty”, the lecture deals with questions of tradition, illustration, history and impact of the Grimm’s fairy tales.

• In addition to language and religion, the tradition of fairy tales and legends always plays an important role for the identity of a people; historical examples will be discussed.

• The Association of the Brothers Grimm, which was founded in 1897 and has existed (with time-related interruptions) for more than 120 years, maintains a scientific research center in Kassel and organizes exhibitions and other events all around the world. The lecture gives a brief insight into the collections, recent exhibitions and actual publications.

• Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are regarded as the founders of Germanic linguistics and philology and of modern research in fairy tales and legends. But they were also socially and politically involved in a time marked by wars and constitutional struggles. The lecture gives an insight into their lesser known work.

Short CV: Dr. Bernhard Lauer is since 1989 the secretary general and managing director of the International Association of the Brothers Grimm. He studied in Marburg, Gießen, Moscow, Belgrade, Skopje and Bucharest Slavic and Romanic philology and received 1983 his doctorate in Marburg. He has taught as assistant professor („Hochschulassistent“ C1) at the Philipps University in Marburg. From 1989 to 2014 he was the director of the Museum of the Brothers Grimm in Kassel. For many years he participates in different international activities and exhibitions, among others in Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Spain, Taiwan, Czech Republic, United States and Yugoslavia.

 Brueder Grimm Geselshaft Kassel 

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