
Berlin International Week: Sustainability and Responsibility in the 21st century, Fall 2019 at HWR

Berlin International Week: Sustainability and Responsibility in the 21st century, Fall 2019 at HWR

November 1-10, 2019 at Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR)

Department of Cooperative Studies (Campus Lichtenberg)

Are you interested in doing your Teaching Mobility within the Framework of Erasmus+ at HWR? We are pleased to invite you to our Berlin International Week on November 1-10, 2019. Send us your teaching subjects in the field of

“Sustainability” and “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

please choose from the suggested teaching topics in the attached preliminary schedule:

  • Microeconomic foundations: Market failures and opportunism risks
  • Basics of CSR and sustainability
  • Legal aspects of sustainability
  • Climate policy  - challenges and achievements of market based policy instruments,
  • Diversity: Corporate responsibility and legal framework
  • Sustainable Innovation Management / Entrepreneurship
  • Changing the mind-set: Psychological aspects of sustainability/environmental psychology / sociology
  • Sustainable Development Goals

Engaging for Sustainability (Preliminary Schedule)

The BIW includes, furthermore, project work, where students prepare contributions to one of the sustainability goals (co-moderated by lecturers and company representatives).

Students will have to hand in a paper on their project work after the international week in order to gain 5 ECTS.

Participation Options

A) Send us your teaching suggestions for a teaching load of 4 - 8 hours*, choose one of the lectures suggested in the preliminary schedule.

B) Choose one of the sustainable development goals for coaching/mentoring with students and take over the correction of papers.

* In case your teaching suggestion is less than 8 hours you may still participate in the moderation of the case work of students.

Please consult your international office whether it is possible for you to fund the participation through Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility. This requires an Erasmus+ agreement between your institution and HWR.

We are happy to receive your lecture outline/syllabus including your CV. Please return the form attached until March 8, 2019

Brochure for more information

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  • Tuesday to Thursday, 10:00 to 13:00