
Erasmus+ masterclass: Be part of ShipCon community!

Erasmus+ masterclass: Be part of ShipCon community!

Confirmed Courses till the end of 2019

With more than 20 courses already delivered within 2018, ShipCon is one of the biggest and most reliable provider of Erasmus+ training courses in Europe. It is also worth mentioning that for ShipCon, quality Erasmus+ courses are always accompanied by quality accommodation, excellent food and cultural/sightseeing excursions for all participants through our unique Full Packages.

ShipCon masterclass courses under Erasmus+ (KA1) are designed to meet the professional and personal needs of all those working at Universities (academic & administrative staff), teachers at primary and secondary education, VET staff and trainers. They are meticulously selected and delivered by top quality trainers in outstanding locations across Europe.

Cultivating the Entrepreneurial mindset in Education

Barcelona - Spain 15.10.2018 - 19.10.2018

Emotional Intelligence: identify, harness & manage emotions

Prague - Czech Republic 29.10.2018 - 02.11.2018

Integrating minority, migrant & refugee children at European schools & society

Barcelona - Spain 05.11.2018 - 09.11.2018

Train the Trainer

Prague - Czech Republic 12.11.2018 - 16.11.2018

Problem Solving & Decision Making

Prague - Czech Republic 19.11.2018 - 23.11.2018

Identify Barriers to Learning - A Special Education Needs Masterclass

Prague - Czech Republic 26.11.2018 - 30.11.2018

Efficient & Effective Project Management for EU funded Projects

Limassol - Cyprus 26.11.2018 - 30.11.2018

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