
Welcome Day for incoming Erasmus students: 23 October 2020

Welcome Day for incoming Erasmus students: 23 October 2020

At the online event the Rector of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Professor Christina Koulouri welcomed the incoming Erasmus students.

The speech of the Vice Rector of International Affairs and Partnerships, Professor Marianna Psilla

“I would like to welcome you here in Panteion University. You are more than welcome, and we are glad to have you here, despite the COVID19 pandemic which is spread all over the globe.

Panteion University and all the people that we work here Faculty Members, administrative staff, and students, we are open to all of you.

Our University welcomes people from all the walks of life. We would like you to feel here safe and make yourselves at home.

Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences offers in general the subjects of Social and Political Sciences. In meanwhile at present moment, we are building a new path with more dimensions. We actually serve a broader opening apart from the Erasmus Programs.

Consequently, we definitely support the existing Erasmus Programs mentality of its proven importance and at the same time we embrace more Programs.

Our target and wish for your choice to come in Greece, despite the COVID19 pandemic, is to support your strong will to evolve in your life and open your horizons.

Do not stop following your dreams!

So grab not only the academic chances offered at Panteion University, but also do your best to make lifetime memories."

YouTube brief presentation of Panteion University

The speech of the Head of the Department of International Relations and European Union at Panteion University is below presented in brief.

Welcome address

Historical overview: The history of the Panteion University is the history of a creative, progressive course associated not only with the course of Higher Education and the development of the Social Sciences in Greece, but also with the broader social transformation of the country. The Cypriot Georgios S. Frangoudis and the Greek Alexandros I. Pantos studied Law in Athens and then Political Sciences in the École Libre des Sciences Politiques in Paris in different periods and they had a common vision, which was to establish a School of Political Sciences in Greece to the standards of that of Paris. Their vision was made a life’s work and on the 2nd of January 1927 the President of the Greek Republic laid the foundation stone of the main building.

Presentation of the Institution and the Program in this specific period of time:

  • Last year was negatively marked by the pandemic, affecting activities of all social groups and stopping the zest for creation of the new generation.
  • Despite the adversities the Erasmus+ Program carries on trying to offer to participants the chance to take advantage of this specific unique experience.
  • We welcome you at Panteion University and we believe that your presence here is the proof that international mobility is a strong motivation for many.
  • We stably keep the incoming mobility option open to our partner Institutions and we are looking forward to a fruitful study period for you in the frame of Erasmus+ Program.
  • We advise you to take the opportunity to make the Erasmus mobility be a real advantage in your life, as the Erasmus program opens a venue to host some of your future dreams.
  • Panteion University has already designed its internationalization and innovation on a basis of a unique immersive and intercultural environment, open to international and local students alike. We are counting more than 300 hundred bilateral agreements established with universities all over Europe as well as Asia, Africa and America facilitating incoming and outgoing student, administrative and teaching staff mobility.
  • Its interdisciplinary curriculum responds to the necessity of creativity and the human factor in educational and research level, providing students from different national backgrounds to excel their academic knowledge and skills.
  • Our courses promote critical thinking and aim to stimulate creative approaches to today’s major challenges in the fields of Social and Political Sciences. Panteion University is really a perfect environment for thinking about the social, cultural, economic and political complexities of the contemporary world.
  • Our academic study programs explore scientific topics as globalization, international studies, law, politics, culture, psychology, sociology, environmental sciences, economic studies, media, gender, public administration etc.

Conclusion: Panteion University and its Partner Institutions try to broaden their internationalization in the current situation and it is up to the Erasmus participants to “grasp the day”. We kindly remind to all of you to follow the recommendations of the Health Authorities in Greece. Panteion University has got a protocol to ensure the safety of students, faculty and staff, which is our priority.

Floriana StefiContact Person for Incoming Students described and explained the academic procedures.

Panteion Welcome Video on Facebook

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