4th Erasmus+ International Staff Week, University of Piraeus, Greece

4th Erasmus+ International Staff Week, University of Piraeus, Greece

New digitalization era, European neighbors and diversity & inclusion, 18 - 22 July 2022, Piraeus, Greece

University of Piraeus has accepted with honor for those two days participants from African, Asian and European countries, such as Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Tunisia, Algeria, Albania, Armenia, Republic of Moldova, Portugal, Romania, Morocco, Germany. 

On the 3rd day of the work began with undiminished interest where Professor Grigoris Makridis, CEO Prognosis, President-THALES Foundation, Cyprus informed the participants about the use of STEAM applications in Higher Education with his presentation: "The STEAME Schools and the Learning of the future: how Higher Education is affected". 

Then, the Universities and the Organizations participating in the Consortium of Greek Universities where the University of Piraeus is the Coordinating Institution, presented their activities in relation to the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program.

Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences was represented by Dr Eleni Vasileiou, Dep. Head of the Department of International Relations & European Union

On Thursday 21/7 the International Staff Team took part in a One-day Cruise to the islands of Saronic Gulf where we bonded more with each other admiring the Greek beautiful islands.

We hope that we will meet again in such intercultural working environments and we strongly believe in promoting the Academic cooperation among Universities all over the world. 

Let's continue exploring more Academic Opportunities and create Partnerships that will go the world further!

Read more (redirecting to the website of the Staff Week)

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  • Tuesday to Thursday, 10:00 to 13:00