Department of International Relations & European Union
Erasmus Office

Contact details

Email Addresses


Eleni Vasileiou, PhD

Head of the Department of International Relations & European Union;
tel. + 30 210 9201484


Kiriakos Bakos

Contact Person for:
Outgoing Students Mobility for Studies / Bips Outgoing Mobility (Erasmus+ KA131)
tel. +30 210 9201483


Floriana Stefi

Contact Person for:
Incoming Students / Incoming Staff Mobility
(Erasmus+ KA131)
Tel. +30 210 9201485


Paraskevi Chryssochoou

Contact Person for:
Outgoing Students Internship in Europe Mobility (Erasmus+ KA131)
Website Administrator
tel.+30 210 9201182


Efi Ntrouva

Contact Person for:
International & ICM KA171 Inter-Institutional Agreements;
International & ICM Erasmus+ KA171 Incoming/Outgoing Students Mobility for Studies & Internship;
International & ICM KA171 Incoming/Outgoing Staff Mobility for Teaching & Training
International Dimension Mobility (Erasmus+ KA131)
tel.+30 210 9201485


Evgenia Lazaridou

Contact Person for:
E.U. Bilateral Agreements / BIPs Multilateral Agreements (Erasmus+KA131)
Outgoing Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training (Erasmus+KA131)
tel. +30 210 9201484, +30 210 9201486


Christina Varouti

Contact Person for:
Financial Management (Erasmus+ KA131)
tel.+30 210 9201484



Panteion University
Erasmus+ Office 136
Syngrou Av. Athens 176 71 Greece

Admission hours

Only by appointment via e-mail:
Tuesday & Thursday 11:00 - 13:00

The Department's Administration remains closed on Greek public holidays and any other day set by the Senate.
In special circumstances, the Dept's Administration opening hours may change & an announcement is made available at the Dept's site and social Media.

  • Tuesday to Thursday, 10:00 to 13:00