Erasmus+ Programs

The Department of International Relations and European Union is an administrative part of the Central Administration Directorate. According to the current organization of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, its responsibilities include overseeing the signing of Inter-Institutional Agreements, monitoring their implementation, collecting and distributing scientific exchange programs, as well as programs within the framework of the European Union. It coordinates the University's European Educational Programs, especially within the framework of inter-institutional cooperation agreements such as Erasmus+, Lingua, Tempus, Jean Monnet, Comett, Eyrydice, and provides timely information to the academic community through announcements and documents, regarding anything related to European Programs (requirements, deadlines, printed materials, and student exchanges). It also collects and disseminates information to members of the academic community regarding research programs of the European Union and studies announced by national bodies and informs University faculty members and researchers about activities of interest to them, such as conference topics, special seminars, and postdoctoral scholarships.

The Department of International Relations and EU assists in the implementation of the Internationalization Policy set by the Authorities of the Institution through its responsibilities and actions.

It closely collaborates with the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Partnerships and Institutional Coordinator of Erasmus+ Programme, Professor Marianna Psilla. Additionally, it collaborates with certain Committees of the Senate, such as

  • the Committee on European Relations and Erasmus+ Programme and
  • the Committee on International Relations and Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme,

which are informed and convene on all matters related to European and International Relations and the Erasmus+ Programme and are responsible for approving all matters proposed by the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Partnerships, including student and staff mobility issues.

Furthermore, the Department's responsibilities include:

  • Promoting the Institution at European and International universities and Institutes through the preparation and publication of newsletters, the organization of seminars and informative events, as well as participation in similar events organized by other European, International, and national bodies.
  • Ensuring the maintenance, renewal, and expansion of existing, as well as the establishment of new, Inter-Institutional Agreements within the European and International environment, Memoranda of Understanding, Agreements of Cooperation, Academic Agreements for the exchange of students, teaching staff, researchers and cooperation Agreements with European Universities for Double and Joint Degrees at undergraduate, postgraduate or doctoral level, in accordance with European and national legislation.
  • Coordinating, managing, and monitoring in compliance with administrative and financial management procedures of all Erasmus+ Programme actions concerning student mobility for studies and traineeships, as well as academic and administrative staff mobility, in European and third Countries.
  • Supporting all the incoming students enrolled in study programs of all cycles, double-degree study programs, study programs leading to joint or double degrees, summer study programs, as well as Erasmus+ Programme in collaboration with foreign Institutions, on issues related to their enrollment, visa issues, accommodation etc.
  • Recording the Institution's participation in European and international organizations, associations, and networks of universities.
  • Collaborating with student associations and networks for the cultural integration of incoming Erasmus+ students, e.g. ESN Panteion, Youthmakers Hub.
  • Tuesday to Thursday, 10:00 to 13:00