Erasmus Charter

Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences have been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), for the 2021-2027 Programme Period.


By signing the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, Panteion University is committed to provide all the necessary support to mobile participants, including linguistic preparation.

Mobile participants can use online language support to improve their foreign language competences before and/or during mobility.

Among other ECHE principles, Panteion has to carry out mobility for the purpose of studying and teaching only within the framework of prior agreements between institutions and select prospective participants and award mobility grants in a fair, transparent, coherent and documented way, in line with the provisions of its grant agreement with the National Agency.

It should ensure such fair and transparent procedures throughout all stages of mobility and in the process of responding to queries/complaints from participants. It must ensure that no fees are charged in the case of credit mobility, to incoming mobile students for tuition, registration, examinations or access to laboratory and library facilities. After the mobility, the institution also has to ensure that it automatically and fully recognizes the outcomes from the learning period abroad.


In addition, Panteion has been awarded an Erasmus accreditation for higher education mobility consortium, with the following partners:

·         Panteion University, Coordinator of Consortium

·         Democritus University of Thrace

·         National Technical University of Athens

·         University of Piraeus

·         Harokopio University of Athens


·         Municipality of Amaroussion

·         Municipality of Piraeus


  • Tuesday to Thursday, 10:00 to 13:00