Συνεχείς Πληροφορίες


As Panteion University does not offer accommodation tο Erasmus Incoming Students, they have to look for private housing

Health Care

A health care office is situated on the ground floor of the New Building and the services are free

University Museum

Panteion University has an important University Museum dedicated to the University historical heritage. The museum collection comprises paintings, sculptures, engravings, drawings, emblems, furniture and other pieces which add up to a great number of items.

Incoming Erasmus student benefits!

Towards the aim of facilitating the incoming students who have been selected to join Panteion University for their Erasmus studies experience, the following privileges have been secured for them:

One-day excursions and short trips around Athens!

While you’re in Athens you have the chance to get to know the Greek culture, travel and make some of your best memories with your fellow Erasmus+ students.

Accessibility for people with special needs

Προσβασιμότητα ΑΜΕΑ στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο


Your first step upon arrival should be to visit our Office in order for us to welcome you and enroll you in our electronic registry system.


You are required to send by post the following documentation duly filled in and endorsed by your home university’s authorities:

Η εξυπηρέτηση Φοιτητών/Φοιτητριών,
Μελών ΔΕΠ και Διοικητικού Προσωπικού


MONO κατόπιν ραντεβού στα e-mail:


  • Tuesday to Thursday, 10:00 to 13:00