Συνεχείς Πληροφορίες

Incoming Erasmus student benefits!

Incoming Erasmus student benefits!

1. Free of charge breakfastlunch and dinner are offered at the student restaurant in close proximity to the university. All undergraduate and postgraduate students are entitled to free meals that are provided at the university restaurant. Students living in residences or boarding houses take their meals at their place of residence using a meals card. The restaurant operates every day of the week, morning, noon and evening, except for the Christmas, Easter and summer holidays. Detailed information & application formDetailed information & application form.

2. Greek Language courses at the Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens are funded by Panteion for incoming Erasmus students. If you are interested in taking them, you have to state it in your application form (see application procedures).

3. Student Card (Paso) is provided to students after submitting an online application: After their registration, the students are provided with a username and password so that they can access the “paso” application website. The Student card offers reduced ticket fares on Greek public transport, railways, and coastal shipping, as well as discount entrance fares or free of charge entrance to museums and cultural events. The students have to enter their personal data and to upload one photo and as soon as the card is ready, they are notified electronically by the Ministry of Education in order to receive it.

Η εξυπηρέτηση Φοιτητών/Φοιτητριών,
Μελών ΔΕΠ και Διοικητικού Προσωπικού


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  • Tuesday to Thursday, 10:00 to 13:00