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Erasmus+ International Mobility, Li Xinghua, MA Student, China

Erasmus+ International Mobility, Li Xinghua, MA Student, China

University but now I am here for more than a month and I really love this Programme, this country and feel comfortable in this university. I came here alone but on coming I received my buddy’s greetings, professors’ warm welcome and I got to know a lot of people in this Programme. Students from Germany, from Czekh Republic, from Turkey, from Serbia, from France, from Spain, from Russia, I have never imagined knowing people from so many countries in one sole Programme. The ESN organized many trips and different activities for us and I can experience a multi-cultural environment. I learned to say China in more than 8 languages and I found one of the pronunciation is actually the pronunciation of the first united dynasty in Chinese history. Athens has many things to look at, not only about museums or archaeological sites, not only the beautiful weather and the orange trees, not only the sea, the beach, even not only the food, but also its people, and the diversity and possibility it offers for me to do my field research here. I moved into the Latino community which I’d like to study and I made friends with people from the Chinese community here in Athens. All this cannot be done without the help of my dear professors in Panteion. They are all so generous with their time and are always ready and capable to help with my studies. I love the library here, especially its soft and quiet environment to study and I can’t help mentioning the librarians. They smile all the time and always try their best to help. Some of them even wrote me a note suggesting some wonderful places to visit during the festival. The Greek students are very kind to teach me Greek and they are so nice with all my questions, questions on my living here or my studying here. The administrative is fantastic. People there work efficiently and always ready to help. I’d like to givemy thanks to the chef and workers of the university restaurant as well. Thank them for their work and for treating us with all their patience everyday.

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