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Erasmus+ International Mobility, Professor Meiyin Zhang, Shanghai, China

Erasmus+ International Mobility, Professor Meiyin Zhang, Shanghai, China

I had a great time at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. The diverse academic activities we have participated in, including interactive seminars with the faculty and graduate students,open lectures, meetings with faculty members who share the similar academic interests, excursions to the fieldsites and may others have been wonderful experience. Not only did I get the tremendous opportunity to share research interests with colleagues, but I also got to learn about the Greek culture,Social Sciences in Greece and the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences.

The faculties at Department of Anthropology in Panteion have been wonderful host and colleagues. We are overwhelmed by their warm hospitality, friendship and collegiality. And the staffs at the Department of International Relations and European Union and Erasmus program office are very welcoming, friendly and helpful.

We found there is indeed a "share of destiny" between Panteion and Fudan. Therefore, we are very much looking forward to further collaborative relationship between us. As well as the coming visit by Professor Diana Riboli to Fudan University. We believe both sides will benefit from this faculty exchange program and our academic collaboration will be strengthened through the process.

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