The city of Athens has a wide cultural offering open to its most prized guests: university students. In addition, social life at the Panteion University is in full swing.
After your Erasmus selection for Panteion, your home university will have to nominate you to Panteion IR & EU Department through email (preferred) or fax, by the following deadlines:
The Greek Language Courses offered by Panteion University to all Erasmus incoming students upon request, take place at the Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA), namely the Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre.
List of Courses Taught in Foreign Language for the Academic Year 2023-24
List of Courses Taught in Foreign Language for the Academic Year 2023-24
Erasmus incoming students may select courses from all Panteion Academic Departments – but at least one course per semester has to be chosen from the Department in which the student is registered. For full-year applicants, separate Learning Agreement forms are required for each semester (winter–spring).