Summer & Winter Schools

Barcelona International Summer School, 25 June - 27 July 2018, Ciutadella Campus

Barcelona International Summer School, 25 June - 27 July 2018, Ciutadella Campus

Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona

It is a flagship initiative for internationalization and internationalization at home, targeting both international and local advanced students. By enlarging and diversifying its offering, courses now mirror all academic fields at UPF and allow students to earn transferable credits (ECTS) in an international environment.  

The summer term has a distinctive approach and becomes the UPF lab for curricular and teaching innovation. Therefore, courses offered are of an interdisciplinary and practical nature, tying the teaching and the research of UPF professors.

The catalog is available on the website and students can choose among 26 courses taught in EnglishSpanish or Catalan. These courses deal with current topics such as Social Movements, Environment, Gender Politics, Big Data, Humanities or New Frontiers in Biology and are designed to be innovative both in content and methodology. This is the reason why all courses have an applied component with workshops, activities, visits, laboratory work or in situ interpretation, which enables learning beyond the classroom.

The schedules and calendars from 25 June to 27 July are based on modules, so that students have the flexibility to combine courses of 5, 3, 2 or 1 week.

Needless to say, the Barcelona International Summer School is located in the city of Barcelona and all courses will take place in the Ciutadella Campus, creating a vibrant and motivating environment for participating students.

More info (PDF)

Students who are looking for an intellectually challenging summer experience!

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  • Tuesday to Thursday, 10:00 to 13:00