Summer & Winter Schools

Summer School in Iceland 2019

Summer School in Iceland 2019

The 4th Summer School at Bifröst University next summer includes 2 new programs:

  • Sustainable Leadership in the 21st Century. July 13 – August 3

    PDF for more information
    Price: 3.500 EUR

  • Redefining the Rules of Power and the Role of the Leader. June 29 – July 20

    PDF for more information
    Price: 3.500 EUR

  • Redefining the Rules of Power. June 29 – July 13

    PDF for more information
    Price: 2.500 EUR

    Included: Seminars, Accommodation, Full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and all the field trips and tours.
    Discount: 25% for students from Panteion University.
    Application deadline: 1st June 2019

Website for more information and videos

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  • Tuesday to Thursday, 10:00 to 13:00