Ιστορίες επιτυχίας

Katarzyna N.,  Opole University, Poland

Katarzyna N., Opole University, Poland

Secondly, I would like to mention about the way the professors are teaching. In my opinion, most of all I will remember a very good way to be all the time in contact with the students during the classes and also spreading the knowledge in a very interesting way, with many examples, thanks to it, students realize that in very easy way we can combine theoretical and practical knowledge. 

The third thing I would like to mention, is the same university style. When I entered for the first time to the university I was not sure if I am at the university campus or somewhere in front of the museum with a beautiful fountain. This is definitely a big plus of the university also. The atmosphere is very relaxing and quiet, which sometimes was like a huge relief between the classes, especially when many times I was buying a very good frappe or freddo cappuccino in one of the coffee shops, super close to campus. Another thing is also a good catalogue of university courses, with available courses in English in many departments.

My department was Sociology Department, I was satisfied with the courses, but I would like to have the possibility to choose a bit more, especially during my first year of the master degree, where the courses had to be more specialized and strict connected with the courses in my hometown university. I am very grateful to Erasmus Office at Panteion University, because thanks to Eirini and also another people who are working there, I was able to find a possibility to start my internship, which I did thanks to Erasmus+ Programme during the summer time. 

An Erasmus+ Programme gave me definitely a lot of very good and international experience, I have met so many interesting people from all over the world, I became to be totally more open, self-confident and social person and I am not afraid to speak in another language than my mother tongue anymore. I am perfectly sure that Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens is a very good university for social and political students from all over the world. Personally, it was a big pleasure to stay there.

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