Ιστορίες επιτυχίας

I have been lucky to study at Panteion University...

I have been lucky to study at Panteion University...

I had only been in Athens for a couple of days when I arrived at the University and received a very warm welcome by the attentive staff of the International Office, the professors and the students.

I was able to follow Political Sciences courses with a focus on the Balkans that I could not find in France, but I also had the opportunity to follow some courses in the Department of Psychology, something I had been willing to do for a long time.

"The very passionate and open minded approach of the professors is something that really marked me."

A lot of them were engaging with modern pedagogical approaches, putting empathy at the heart of their teachings, making all the students feel very welcomed.

"The university also offers a really pleasant environment to study."

After classes students and professors usually go to the library or hang out to talk in the gardens.

I encourage anyone willing to explore and to understand the world a bit more not to hesitate. Today, I am thankful for this very unique experience I have been given to live. I knew nobody when I first arrived in Greece and left with knowledge and friendships that may last for a lifetime.

"Erasmus offered me this."

Tom T., Paris 12 University, France

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