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"My 5 months Erasmus experience in Athens" by Muhammed B.S. from Istanbul, Turkey

"My 5 months Erasmus experience in Athens" by Muhammed B.S. from Istanbul, Turkey

My Erasmus experience in Athens could be summarized with this wonderful quote. The Greek lifestyle and culture made me feel at my home. From the cuisine to the traditional practices, there are many similar things. Athens, a city where there is no sleep hour in 24 hours is an amazing city. Ones can find any activity regarding their field of interest conveniently. 

However, what made my experience unique was that I found an opportunity to examine my nation’s collective memory. The Greeks and Turks have a huge historical background that has many different narratives depicting each other according to past events. Truly, I was a little bit anxious about choosing the Greece as an Erasmus experience. Now, I am even laughing myself because of that anxiety. Every person was so warm and friendly to me when I say that I am Tourkos. After looking from Greece to my country, I found fascinating to think twice about the education and shared narratives. Besides, I was even surprised that two nations with such common things have had a loose relations between each other. I hope that the future brings a very close friendship to these two countries…

The cuisines are also very delicious and the entertainment in the Greece was amazing. Frappe has become my favorite drink after Erasmus. Anyone could enjoy such foods with an unforgettable experience. The Greek coffee was also great for me to taste because I am also addicted to Turkish coffee.

The 5 month Erasmus experience brought also many benefits for me. First of all, I found interesting that even if there were people from different countries, we could agree on any debate with each other. It was a kind of experience that I define as a simulation of World citizenship.  With the conglomeration of the every belief, lifestyles, language and perception, The Erasmus program brought me a shortcut of the common nature of human being. Thus, anyone who wants to expand their vision and perception should take an Erasmus experience into consideration. 

Panteion University offers many benefits for the Erasmus students so that it was a true choice for me. Ones can eat their meal free in the school canteen and apply for the Greek Courses with no charge. The professors were also great in their field and it was a great experience for me to take courses from them. Anyone who has doubts about Athens or Panteion University should have no worries except pickpocketing. 

From the heart of the democracy, I wish great experiences and good memories for everyone.

"As famous Greek tragedian Euripides claims, "there is the sky, which all men’s together..."
Enjoy your sky!"

Muhammed B.S. from Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey

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