Ιστορίες επιτυχίας

Oscar G., Universita degli Studi Magna Grecia di Catanzaro, Italy

Oscar G., Universita degli Studi Magna Grecia di Catanzaro, Italy

– the first time for me -, 6 months far away from my family, my friends and my city, give to you many things. I changed my mind, without doubts. “Should I stay or should I go”? : I suggest to everybody to leave and to have this kind of experience; I don’t know why but several students prefer to stay in their city; in some cases someone, accepted from the university, a few days before starting, decided to stay. I always say to do not be afraid from the unknown; to leave behind all the fears. To face every life’s challenge as you have to learn a new world, and to open your mind. Once arrived in Panteion University, you will see the availability and the accuracy of the Erasmus office; you will be able to solve the bureaucratic aspects, in order to complete your registration and to talk with the professors for your exams. You will have the possibility to study in the beautiful and peaceful library of the university, and during the breaks, know other students in the bar corner, or in the little garden on the back. What I want to add is to discover all the particularities of each place: don’t stop your research and limit yourself to the standard. Fastfood chains  and discos exist and are the same more or less everywhere. Υou can find typical food and particular music and fun. Athens is full of “Tabernas” and open air market; you have to  just go around for the little and for the different neighborhoods. In the spring-summer period you will find a lot of festivals, in different areas of the city. In order to discover them just pay attention to the walls: they always speak, with their flyer and posters. Bring your Raki bottle from a “periptero” (the little kiosks scatted around the city) and go! In general, live intensely every day you have and, you will see, you will not never come back! 

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