read more about the experience of incoming students in Panteion University, Athens!

Η εμπειρία εισερχομένων φοιτητών στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο!

Eren M. D.,  Ege University Turkey

When I first came to Athens on 8th of February, 2016 I've already knew that it is going to be an experience which I will remember for all my life. First time I went to Panteion University for some registration stuff, ESN group brought Erasmus students to somewhere to create bonds between us. I think it succeeded because I am still talking with my friends since that day. In Athens I met a lot of amazing people and all of our professors were really good about their field. The most important thing that impressed me was the hospitality of international relations office. We were all more than welcomed there. For me, Athens is a wonderful city that a student can easily discover the different styles of life. Also it's an art city that an artist can find him/herself. If you want to participate, there are lot of opportunities to have great time with people from all over the world. Another perfect thing about Athens is, Refugees are really welcomed here. Making a documentary with refugee children was amazing

Thanks to everyone for this memorable experience!

Stine H., University of Copenhagen, Denmark

 I was studying at Panteion University (Department of Social Anthropology) in the fall of 2015 and in the spring of 2016. As I am studying modern greek studies in my home country, it made a lot of sense to be an exchange student in the capital of Greece, Athens. One of the best things about Panteion was the many competent and proficient professors. There is offered a long list of really interesting courses and since I took quite some of them, my experiences tells me, that all the professors were working with the biggest interest and curiosity. Not all courses were offered in english, but mostly the professors were interested in finding a way for non-greek speaking students to take their courses. I was giving relevant texts to read and I had some rewarding talks and conversations with my professors (and other students not to forget!). There was also always a lot of help to get at the international office, if you got lost, could not get in contact with a professor or find a classroom. Besides all the academic, I had a very nice time in Athens enjoying the city its people and its chaos. I really felt at home and in the future I can definitely see myself living there. Also, even though I never really participated in any of the social events, it seems like there is a lot of social stuff going on and that people make friends for life. For me personally, I know that I got an amazing spanish friend for the rest of my life

Lisa B., Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Germany

 It sounds like a buzzword, but Erasmus IS a lifechanging experience. For me it was already the second time I had the chance to go with Erasmus to Greece. I planned to stay one semester in Athens at Panteion University, but I decided last minute to prolong my studies there and I never regretted it. I could improve my Greek, my knowledge about the country and my academic background. I met amazing people, inspiring professors and open fellow students. Also I had the chance to travel throughout the country. I didnt expect that, but I fell in love with Greece even more and now it is very hard to return to your daily routine at home. 

Katarzyna N., Opole University, Poland




... Secondly, I would like to mention about the way the professors are teaching. In my opinion, most of all I will remember a very good way to be all the time in contact with the students during the classes and also spreading the knowledge in a very interesting way, with many examples, thanks to it, students realize that in very easy way we can combine theoretical and practical knowledge. 


The third thing I would like to mention, is the same university style. When I entered for the first time to the university I was not sure if I am at the university campus or somewhere in front of the museum with a beautiful fountain. This is definitely a big plus of the university also. The atmosphere is very relaxing and quiet, which sometimes was like a huge relief between the classes, especially when many times I was buying a very good frappe or freddo cappuccino in one of the coffee shops, super close to campus. Another thing is also a good catalogue of university courses, with available courses in English in many departments.

My department was Sociology Department, I was satisfied with the courses, but I would like to have the possibility to choose a bit more, especially during my first year of the master degree, where the courses had to be more specialized and strict connected with the courses in my hometown university. I am very grateful to Erasmus Office at Panteion University, because thanks to Eirini and also another people who are working there, I was able to find a possibility to start my internship, which I did thanks to Erasmus+ Programme during the summer time. 


An Erasmus+ Programme gave me definitely a lot of very good and international experience, I have met so many interesting people from all over the world, I became to be totally more open, self-confident and social person and I am not afraid to speak in another language than my mother tongue anymore. I am perfectly sure that Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens is a very good university for social and political students from all over the world. Personally, it was a big pleasure to stay there.


Oscar G., Universita degli Studi Magna Grecia di Catanzaro, Italy

People ask me what was for me the Erasmus experience. I often answer in different ways: 6 months abroad – the first time for me -, 6 months far away from my family, my friends and my city, give to you many things. I changed my mind, without doubts. “Should I stay or should I go”? : I suggest to everybody to leave and to have this kind of experience; I don’t know why but several students prefer to stay in their city; in some cases someone, accepted from the university, a few days before starting, decided to stay. I always say to do not be afraid from the unknown; to leave behind all the fears. To face every life’s challenge as you have to learn a new world, and to open your mind. Once arrived in Panteion University, you will see the availability and the accuracy of the Erasmus office; you will be able to solve the bureaucratic aspects, in order to complete your registration and to talk with the professors for your exams. You will have the possibility to study in the beautiful and peaceful library of the university, and during the breaks, know other students in the bar corner, or in the little garden on the back. What I want to add is to discover all the particularities of each place: don’t stop your research and limit yourself to the standard. Fastfood chains  and discos exist and are the same more or less everywhere. Υou can find typical food and particular music and fun. Athens is full of “Tabernas” and open air market; you have to  just go around for the little and for the different neighborhoods. In the spring-summer period you will find a lot of festivals, in different areas of the city. In order to discover them just pay attention to the walls: they always speak, with their flyer and posters. Bring your Raki bottle from a “periptero” (the little kiosks scatted around the city) and go! In general, live intensely every day you have and, you will see, you will not never come back! 

Oceane N. A., Universite Toulouse 1 Capitole, France

 This year as an Erasmus student in Athens has literally changed my life and my way of seeing things and people. I have been able to meet so many cultures at the same time and above all one of my new favorite one, the greek culture. It also allowed me to see more clear about my future. Living in Athens is living in a beautiful city with such a nice atmosphere and with so many generous people that will always welcome you with pleasure.

Studying in Panteion is studying with nice and understanding professors that will make the best to help you there. The department of IR was also really helpful during all this year (Many thanks to Eirini Pitsouli!).

Wishing a wonderful time to the new Erasmus people!

Στέφανη Στ. Stephanie St., Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

Ως διδακτορική φοιτήτρια του Τεχνολογικού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου έχω συμμετάσχει στο πρόγραμμα ανταλλαγής φοιτητών Erasmus+, στο οποίο φιλοξενήθηκα από το Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Κοινωνικών και Πολιτικών Επιστημών. Η φοίτηση μου διήρκεσε δύο ακαδημαϊκά εξάμηνα όπου αποκόμισα πολλές εμπειρίες τόσο εντός όσο και εκτός της πανεπιστημιακής κοινότητας. Αρχικά, η συνεργασία μου με το διοικητικό προσωπικό του πανεπιστημίου – Τμήμα Διεθνών Σχέσεων και Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, βιβλιοθήκη, κλπ – ήταν άριστη, αφού είχα άμεση ανταπόκριση σε οποιαδήποτε βοήθεια χρειαζόμουν ή σε οποιαδήποτε πρόβλημα αντιμετώπιζα. Επίσης, είναι σημαντικό να αναφερθώ στο ακαδημαϊκό προσωπικό του πανεπιστημίου αφού αποτελείται από εξαιρετικούς καθηγητές οι οποίοι ήταν πρόθυμοι να με κατευθύνουν σε σωστές προσεγγίσεις για την υλοποίηση της έρευνας μου και παράλληλα, να μου διευρύνουν τους ορίζοντες με σκοπό να παραχθεί μια ποιοτική – σε περιεχόμενο – μελέτη.

Αν μου δινόταν η ευκαιρία θα συμμετείχα ξανά στο πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ και, πολύ πιθανόν, να ζητούσα να φιλοξενηθώ για ακόμη μια φορά στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο.

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136 Syngrou Av., Athens 176 71 Greece

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of Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences